
Peripheral Facilities

Table of Contents

  1. Peripherals
    1. CLKCTRL
  2. Peripheral Instances


The layout of each Microchip megaAVR 0-series peripheral’s registers is defined by the structure named after the peripheral (e.g. the layout of the CLKCTRL peripheral’s registers is defined by the ::microlibrary::Microchip::megaAVR0::Peripheral::CLKCTRL structure). Peripheral registers are accessed via the member variables named after the registers (e.g. the CLKCTRL peripheral’s MCLKCTRLA register is accessed via the ::microlibrary::Microchip::megaAVR0::Peripheral::CLKCTRL::mclkctrla member variable). Peripheral register information is defined in member structures named after the registers (e.g. CLKCTRL peripheral MCLKCTRLA register information is defined in the ::microlibrary::Microchip::megaAVR0::Peripheral::CLKCTRL::MCLKCTRLA member structure). Peripheral register field constants are defined in the following member structures:


The ::microlibrary::Microchip::megaAVR0::Peripheral::CLKCTRL structure defines the layout of the Microchip megaAVR 0-series CLKCTRL peripheral and information about its registers. The ::microlibrary::Microchip::megaAVR0::Peripheral::CLKCTRL structure is defined in the microlibrary static library’s microlibrary/microchip/megaavr0/peripheral/clkctrl.h/microlibrary/microchip/megaavr0/peripheral/clkctrl.cc header/source file pair.

Peripheral Instances

Microchip megaAVR 0-series peripheral instances are defined in the microlibrary static library’s microlibrary/microchip/megaavr0/peripheral/instances.h/microlibrary/microchip/megaavr0/peripheral/instances.cc header/source file pair which is available if MICROLIBRARY_TARGET is HARDWARE. Peripheral instance names are based on the names used in the “Peripheral Module Address Map” table of the datasheets with the following change: a 0 is added to the end of the name of peripherals that only have a single instance to differentiate the peripheral name and the instance name. The following peripheral instances are defined (listed alphabetically):

The availability of these peripheral instance definitions depends on the specific Microchip megaAVR 0-series microcontroller that is used.