

Table of Contents

  1. Dependency
    1. General Configuration Options
  2. Development


To use microlibrary as a dependency, use CMake’s FetchContent module to add microlibrary to a CMake build, and link with the microlibrary static library.

include( FetchContent )
FetchContent_Declare( microlibrary
FetchContent_MakeAvailable( microlibrary )
target_link_libraries( foo

General Configuration Options

microlibrary supports the following general configuration options:


To install the microlibrary repository’s Git hooks, execute the install.sh script located in the git/hooks directory. See the install.sh script’s help text for usage details.

./git/hooks/install.sh --help

The repository’s pre-commit.sh hook script is the simplest way to configure, build, and test microlibrary during development. See the pre-commit.sh script’s help text for usage details.

./git/hooks/pre-commit.sh --help

Additional checks, such as static analysis, are performed by the repository’s GitHub Actions CI workflow.