
Error Handling Facilities

Table of Contents

  1. Error Identification
    1. Library Defined Errors
    2. Defining Additional Errors
  2. Assertions
    1. Checking Precondition Expectations
    2. Checking Postcondition Guarantees
    3. Trapping Fatal Errors
  3. Error Propagation

Error Identification

Error identification facilities are defined in the include/picolibrary/error.h/source/picolibrary/error.cc header/source file pair.

The ::picolibrary::Error_Code class is used to identify errors. An error can be identified using the combination of the address of the error’s error category (::picolibrary::Error_Category) and the error’s error ID (::picolibrary::Error_ID).

::picolibrary::Error_Code automated tests are defined in the test/automated/picolibrary/error_code/main.cc source file.

A std::ostream insertion operator is defined for ::picolibrary::Error_Code if the PICOLIBRARY_ENABLE_AUTOMATED_TESTING project configuration option is ON. The insertion operator is defined in the include/picolibrary/testing/automated/error.h/source/picolibrary/testing/automated/error.cc header/source file pair.

The ::picolibrary::Error_Category class is used to get human readable error information.

If the PICOLIBRARY_SUPPRESS_HUMAN_READABLE_ERROR_INFORMATION project configuration option is ON, these functions will return empty strings.

Library Defined Errors

picolibrary defines the following error sets:

The generic error set is defined in the include/picolibrary/error.h/source/picolibrary/error.cc header/source file pair.

The ::picolibrary::Generic_Error enum class’s enumerators identify the specific errors in the set. Implicit conversion from ::picolibrary::Generic_Error to ::picolibrary::Error_Code is enabled.

The ::picolibrary::Generic_Error_Category class is the error category for the set.

Generic error set automated tests are defined in the test/automated/picolibrary/generic_error/main.cc and test/automated/picolibrary/generic_error_category/main.cc source files.

A std::ostream insertion operator is defined for ::picolibrary::Generic_Error if the PICOLIBRARY_ENABLE_AUTOMATED_TESTING project configuration option is ON. The insertion operator is defined in the include/picolibrary/testing/automated/error.h/source/picolibrary/testing/automated/error.cc header/source file pair.

The mock error set is available if the PICOLIBRARY_ENABLE_AUTOMATED_TESTING project configuration option is ON. The mock error set is defined in the include/picolibrary/testing/automated/error.h/source/picolibrary/testing/automated/error.cc header/source file pair.

The ::picolibrary::Testing::Automated::Mock_Error enum class is used to identify “specific” errors in the set. A std::ostream insertion operator is defind for ::picolibrary::Testing::Automated::Mock_Error.

The ::picolibrary::Testing::Automated::Mock_Error_Category class is the error category for the set.

Defining Additional Errors

To create an additional error set, do the following:

  1. Define an enum class whose enumerators identify the specific errors in the set. The underlying type for the enum class should be ::picolibrary::Error_ID.
  2. Create an error category class for the error set. ::picolibrary::Error_Category must be a public base of this class. This class should be a singleton.
  3. Define a make_error_code() function in the same namespace as the enum class that takes the enum class and returns a ::picolibrary::Error_Code.
  4. Register the enum class as an error code enum by specializing ::picolibrary::is_error_code_enum for the enum class.


Checking Precondition Expectations

Facilities for checking precondition expectations are defined in the include/picolibrary/precondition.h/source/picolibrary/precondition.cc header/source file pair.

To check a function precondition expectation, use the PICOLIBRARY_EXPECT() macro. If the expectation macro argument evaluates to false, ::picolibrary::trap_fatal_error() will be called. If code is structured in a way that an execution path being taken indicates a precondition expectation has not been met, use the PICOLIBRARY_EXPECTATION_NOT_MET() macro to unconditionally call ::picolibrary::trap_fatal_error().

To create a function overload that lets the user bypass precondition expectation checks, use the ::picolibrary::Bypass_Precondition_Expectation_Checks type. Users can then use the ::picolibrary::BYPASS_PRECONDITION_EXPECTATION_CHECKS constant to select the function overload that bypasses the precondition expectation checks.

#include <cstdint>

#include "picolibrary/fixed_capacity_vector.h"
#include "picolibrary/precondition.h"

void foo() noexcept
    auto vector = ::picolibrary::Fixed_Capacity_Vector<std::uint_fast8_t, 8>{};

    // precondition expectation checks run
    vector.push_back( 0 );

    // precondition expectation checks bypassed
    vector.push_back( ::picolibrary::BYPASS_PRECONDITION_EXPECTATION_CHECKS, 0 );

To create a function overload that lets the user run the function’s precondition expectation checks while bypassing a called function’s precondition expectation checks, use the ::picolibrary::Run_Precondition_Expectation_Checks type. Users can then use the ::picolibrary::RUN_PRECONDITION_EXPECTATION_CHECKS constant to select the function overload that runs the function’s precondition expectation checks while bypassing the called function’s precondition expectation checks.

#include "picolibrary/fixed_capacity_vector.h"
#include "picolibrary/i2c.h"
#include "picolibrary/precondition.h"

void foo() noexcept
    auto vector = ::picolibrary::Fixed_Capacity_Vector<::picolibrary::I2C::Address_Numeric, 8>{};

    // ::picolibrary::Fixed_Capacity_Vector::emplace_back() precondition expectation checks run
    // ::picolibrary::I2C::Address_Numeric::Address_Numeric() precondition expectation checks run
    vector.emplace_back( 0b0100'000 );

    // ::picolibrary::Fixed_Capacity_Vector::emplace_back() precondition expectation checks bypassed
    // ::picolibrary::I2C::Address_Numeric::Address_Numeric() precondition expectation checks run
    vector.emplace_back( ::picolibrary::BYPASS_PRECONDITION_EXPECTATION_CHECKS, 0b0100'000 );

    // ::picolibrary::Fixed_Capacity_Vector::emplace_back() precondition expectation checks run
    // ::picolibrary::I2C::Address_Numeric::Address_Numeric() precondition expectation checks run
    vector.emplace_back( ::picolibrary::RUN_PRECONDITION_EXPECTATION_CHECKS, 0b0100'000 );

    // ::picolibrary::Fixed_Capacity_Vector::emplace_back() precondition expectation checks bypassed
    // ::picolibrary::I2C::Address_Numeric::Address_Numeric() precondition expectation checks bypassed
        0b0100'000 );

    // ::picolibrary::Fixed_Capacity_Vector::emplace_back() precondition expectation checks run
    // ::picolibrary::I2C::Address_Numeric::Address_Numeric() precondition expectation checks bypassed
        0b0100'000 );

Checking Postcondition Guarantees

Facilities for checking postcondition guarantees are defined in the include/picolibrary/postcondition.h/source/picolibrary/postcondition.cc header/source file pair.

To check a function postcondition guarantee, use the PICOLIBRARY_ENSURE() macro. If the guarantee macro argument evaluates to false, ::picolibrary::trap_fatal_error() will be called. If code is structured in a way that an execution path being taken indicates a postcondition guarantee has not been met, use the PICOLIBRARY_GUARANTEE_NOT_MET() macro to unconditionally call ::picolibrary::trap_fatal_error().

Trapping Fatal Errors

::picolibrary::trap_fatal_error() is called if a precondition expectation check or a postcondition guarantee check fails. This function is declared in include/picolibrary/fatal_error.h. The picolibrary static library does not provide an implementation for this function. See include/picolibrary/fatal_error.h for more information.

Error Propagation

Facilities for propagating errors are defined in the include/picolibrary/result.h/source/picolibrary/result.cc header/source file pair.

The ::picolibrary::Result class is used as the return type for operations that can fail and report failure information to the caller instead of using assertions. ::picolibrary::Result has specializations that support the following use cases:

Implicit conversion from Value_Type or ::picolibrary::Error_Code to ::picolibrary::Result is enabled if implicit conversion between Value_Type and ::picolibrary::Error_Code is not possible. If implicit conversion between Value_Type and ::picolibrary::Error_Code is possible, the ::picolibrary::Result must be explicitly constructed using the ::picolibrary::Value_Tag or ::picolibrary::Error_Tag constructor overloads. The ::picolibrary::VALUE and ::picolibrary::ERROR constants are provide to support this.

::picolibrary::Result supports the following operations: