
Event Driven State Machine Facilities

Table of Contents

  1. Event Identification
    1. Defining Events
  2. Event Storage
  3. Non-Hierarchical State Machines
  4. HSMs

Event Identification

Event identification facilities are defined in the include/picolibrary/event.h/source/picolibrary/event.cc header/source file pair.

The ::picolibrary::Event class is used to identify events. An event’s type can be determined using the combination of the address of the event’s event category (::picolibrary::Event_Category) and the event’s event ID (::picolibrary::Event_ID).

Additional information can be added to an event type by creating a class that derives from ::picolibrary::Event. The additional information can be made printable by overriding the ::picolibrary::Event::print_details() member function. The ::picolibrary::Event::print_details() member function can only be overridden if the PICOLIBRARY_SUPPRESS_HUMAN_READABLE_EVENT_INFORMATION project configuration option is OFF.

::picolibrary::Event automated tests are defined in the test/automated/picolibrary/event/main.cc source file.

A std::ostream insertion operator is defined for ::picolibrary::Event if the PICOLIBRARY_ENABLE_AUTOMATED_TESTING project configuration option is ON. The insertion operator is defined in the include/picolibrary/testing/automated/event.h/source/picolibrary/testing/automated/event.cc header/source file pair.

A mock event class (::picolibrary::Testing::Automated::Mock_Event) is defined in the include/picolibrary/testing/automated/event.h/source/picolibrary/testing/automated/event.cc header/source file pair.

::picolibrary::Output_Formatter is specialized for ::picolibrary::Event. The ::picolibrary::Output_Formatter<::picolibrary::Event> specialization does not support user formatting configuration. ::picolibrary::Output_Formatter<::picolibrary::Event> automated tests are defined in the test/automated/picolibrary/event/main.cc source file.

The ::picolibrary::Event_Category class is used to get human readable event information.

If the PICOLIBRARY_SUPPRESS_HUMAN_READABLE_EVENT_INFORMATION project configuration option is ON, these functions will return empty strings.

A mock event category class (::picolibrary::Testing::Automated::Mock_Event_Category) is defined in the include/picolibrary/testing/automated/event.h/source/picolibrary/testing/automated/event.cc header/source file pair.

The ::picolibrary::Simple_Event class is used to easily define simple events (events that contain no information beyond their type). Implicit conversion from an enum class to a ::picolibrary::Simple_Event is enabled if ::picolibrary::is_simple_event_enum has been appropriately specialized for the enum class.

Defining Events

To define an event set, do the following:

  1. Define an enum class whose enumerators identify the types of events in the set. The underlying type for the enum class should be ::picolibrary::Event_ID.
  2. Create an event category class for the event set. ::picolibrary::Event_Category must be a public base of this class. This class should be a singleton.
  3. Create an event class for each event type in the set that carries information beyond its event type. ::picolibrary::Event must be a public base of these classes. The additional information is made printable by overriding the ::picolibrary::Event::print_details() member function.
  4. If all events in the event set are simple events (optional):
    1. Define a make_simple_event() function in the same namespace as the enum class that takes the enum class and returns a ::picolibrary::Simple_Event.
    2. Register the enum class as a simple event enum by specializing ::picolibrary::is_simple_event_enum for the enum class.

Event Storage

The ::picolibrary::Event_Storage class is used to store multiple types of events. The ::picolibrary::Event_Storage class is defined in the include/picolibrary/event.h/source/picolibrary/event.cc header/source file pair.

Non-Hierarchical State Machines

The ::picolibrary::State_Machine non-hierarchical state machine with support for state entry and exit actions base class is defined in the include/picolibrary/state_machine.h/source/picolibrary/state_machine.cc header/source file pair.

The ::picolibrary::State_Machine::State_Event_Handler member type alias defines the state event handler function signature. See include/picolibrary/state_machine.h for more information about state event handlers.

::picolibrary::State_Machine supports the following operations:

::picolibrary::State_Machine automated tests are defined in the test/automated/picolibrary/state_machine/main.cc source file.

The following example assumes that the PICOLIBRARY_SUPPRESS_HUMAN_READABLE_EVENT_INFORMATION project configuration option is ON.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

#include "picolibrary/error.h"
#include "picolibrary/event.h"
#include "picolibrary/fatal_error.h"
#include "picolibrary/rom.h"
#include "picolibrary/state_machine.h"
#include "picolibrary/utility.h"

namespace picolibrary {

void trap_fatal_error( ROM::String file, int line, Error_Code const & error ) noexcept
    std::cerr << "fatal error: " << file << ':' << line << ": " << error.category().name()
              << "::" << error.description() << '\n';


} // namespace picolibrary

namespace {

class Example_State_Machine : public ::picolibrary::State_Machine {
    enum class Event : ::picolibrary::Event_ID {

    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const A;
    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const B;
    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const C;
    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const TERMINATE;

    constexpr Example_State_Machine() noexcept :
        ::picolibrary::State_Machine{ initial_pseudostate }

    Example_State_Machine( Example_State_Machine && ) = delete;

    Example_State_Machine( Example_State_Machine const & ) = delete;

    ~Example_State_Machine() noexcept = default;

    auto operator=( Example_State_Machine && ) = delete;

    auto operator=( Example_State_Machine const & ) = delete;

    void execute_initial_transition() noexcept
        ::picolibrary::State_Machine::execute_initial_transition( INITIAL_TRANSITION_TRIGGER );

    using ::picolibrary::State_Machine::dispatch;

    class Event_Category final : public ::picolibrary::Event_Category {
        static constexpr auto instance() noexcept -> Event_Category const &
            return INSTANCE;

        Event_Category( Event_Category && ) = delete;

        Event_Category( Event_Category const & ) = delete;

        auto operator=( Event_Category && ) = delete;

        auto operator=( Event_Category const & ) = delete;

        static Event_Category const INSTANCE;

        constexpr Event_Category() noexcept = default;

        ~Event_Category() noexcept = default;

    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const INITIAL_TRANSITION_TRIGGER;

    static auto initial_pseudostate( State_Machine & state_machine, ::picolibrary::Event const & event ) noexcept
        -> Event_Handling_Result
        auto & example_state_machine = static_cast<Example_State_Machine &>( state_machine );

        std::cout << "start-INIT;";

        return example_state_machine.transition_to( s1, event );

    static auto s1( State_Machine & state_machine, ::picolibrary::Event const & event ) noexcept
        -> Event_Handling_Result
        auto & example_state_machine = static_cast<Example_State_Machine &>( state_machine );

        if ( &event.category() == &Pseudo_Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Pseudo_Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Pseudo_Event::ENTRY:
                    std::cout << "s1-ENTRY;";
                    return example_state_machine.event_handled( event );
                case Pseudo_Event::EXIT:
                    std::cout << "s1-EXIT;";
                    return example_state_machine.event_handled( event );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        if ( &event.category() == &Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Event::A:
                    std::cout << "s1-A;";
                    return example_state_machine.event_handled( event );
                case Event::B:
                    std::cout << "s1-B;";
                    return example_state_machine.transition_to( s1, event );
                case Event::C:
                    std::cout << "s1-C;";
                    return example_state_machine.transition_to( s2, event );
                case Event::TERMINATE: std::cout << "s1-TERMINATE;\n"; std::exit( 0 );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        return example_state_machine.event_handled( event );

    static auto s2( State_Machine & state_machine, ::picolibrary::Event const & event ) noexcept
        -> Event_Handling_Result
        auto & example_state_machine = static_cast<Example_State_Machine &>( state_machine );

        if ( &event.category() == &Pseudo_Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Pseudo_Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Pseudo_Event::ENTRY:
                    std::cout << "s2-ENTRY;";
                    return example_state_machine.event_handled( event );
                case Pseudo_Event::EXIT:
                    std::cout << "s2-EXIT;";
                    return example_state_machine.event_handled( event );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        if ( &event.category() == &Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Event::A:
                    std::cout << "s2-A;";
                    return example_state_machine.event_handled( event );
                case Event::B:
                    std::cout << "s2-B;";
                    return example_state_machine.transition_to( s2, event );
                case Event::C:
                    std::cout << "s2-C;";
                    return example_state_machine.transition_to( s1, event );
                case Event::TERMINATE: std::cout << "s2-TERMINATE;\n"; std::exit( 0 );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        return example_state_machine.event_handled( event );

Example_State_Machine::Event_Category const Example_State_Machine::Event_Category::INSTANCE{};

::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_State_Machine::INITIAL_TRANSITION_TRIGGER{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::INITIAL_TRANSITION_TRIGGER ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_State_Machine::A{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::A ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_State_Machine::B{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::B ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_State_Machine::C{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::C ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_State_Machine::TERMINATE{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::TERMINATE ) };

} // namespace

int main()
    auto example_state_machine = ::Example_State_Machine{};

    std::cout << '\n';

    ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const event_sequence[]{

    for ( auto const & event : event_sequence ) {
        example_state_machine.dispatch( event );
        std::cout << '\n';
    } // for


The ::picolibrary::HSM HSM base class is defined in the include/picolibrary/hsm.h/source/picolibrary/hsm.cc header/source file pair.

The maximum state depth (not including the implicit “top” superstate) is 8.

The ::picolibrary::HSM::State_Event_Handler member type alias defines the state event handler function signature. See include/picolibrary/hsm.h for more information about state event handlers.

::picolibrary::HSM supports the following operations:

::picolibrary::HSM automated tests are defined in the test/automated/picolibrary/hsm/main.cc source file.

The following example is based on “Practical UML Statecharts in C/C++, Second Edition: Event-Driven Programming for Embedded Systems” Figure 2.11. Note that there is an error in line “(2)” of Figure 2.12 (“s1-INIT;” should not be present). The example assumes that the PICOLIBRARY_SUPPRESS_HUMAN_READABLE_EVENT_INFORMATION project configuration option is ON.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

#include "picolibrary/error.h"
#include "picolibrary/event.h"
#include "picolibrary/fatal_error.h"
#include "picolibrary/hsm.h"
#include "picolibrary/rom.h"
#include "picolibrary/utility.h"

namespace picolibrary {

void trap_fatal_error( ROM::String file, int line, Error_Code const & error ) noexcept
    std::cerr << "fatal error: " << file << ':' << line << ": " << error.category().name()
              << "::" << error.description() << '\n';


} // namespace picolibrary

namespace {

class Example_HSM : public ::picolibrary::HSM {
    enum class Event : ::picolibrary::Event_ID {

    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const A;
    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const B;
    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const C;
    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const D;
    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const E;
    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const F;
    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const G;
    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const H;
    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const I;
    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const TERMINATE;

    constexpr Example_HSM() noexcept : ::picolibrary::HSM{ initial_pseudostate }

    Example_HSM( Example_HSM && ) = delete;

    Example_HSM( Example_HSM const & ) = delete;

    ~Example_HSM() noexcept = default;

    auto operator=( Example_HSM && ) = delete;

    auto operator=( Example_HSM const & ) = delete;

    void execute_topmost_initial_transition() noexcept
        ::picolibrary::HSM::execute_topmost_initial_transition( TOPMOST_INITIAL_TRANSITION_TRIGGER );

    using ::picolibrary::HSM::dispatch;

    class Event_Category final : public ::picolibrary::Event_Category {
        static constexpr auto instance() noexcept -> Event_Category const &
            return INSTANCE;

        Event_Category( Event_Category && ) = delete;

        Event_Category( Event_Category const & ) = delete;

        auto operator=( Event_Category && ) = delete;

        auto operator=( Event_Category const & ) = delete;

        static Event_Category const INSTANCE;

        constexpr Event_Category() noexcept = default;

        ~Event_Category() noexcept = default;

    static ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const TOPMOST_INITIAL_TRANSITION_TRIGGER;

    bool m_foo{};

    static auto initial_pseudostate( HSM & hsm, ::picolibrary::Event const & event ) noexcept -> Event_Handling_Result
        auto & example_hsm = static_cast<Example_HSM &>( hsm );

        example_hsm.m_foo = false;

        std::cout << "top-INIT;";

        return example_hsm.transition_to( s2, event );

    static auto s( HSM & hsm, ::picolibrary::Event const & event ) noexcept -> Event_Handling_Result
        auto & example_hsm = static_cast<Example_HSM &>( hsm );

        if ( &event.category() == &Pseudo_Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Pseudo_Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Pseudo_Event::ENTRY:
                    std::cout << "s-ENTRY;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                case Pseudo_Event::EXIT:
                    std::cout << "s-EXIT;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                case Pseudo_Event::NESTED_INITIAL_TRANSITION:
                    std::cout << "s-INIT;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s11, event );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        if ( &event.category() == &Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Event::E:
                    std::cout << "s-E;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s11, event );
                case Event::I:
                    if ( example_hsm.m_foo ) {
                        example_hsm.m_foo = false;
                        std::cout << "s-I;";
                        return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                    } // if
                case Event::TERMINATE: std::cout << "s-TERMINATE;\n"; std::exit( 0 );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        return example_hsm.defer_event_handling_to( top, event );

    static auto s1( HSM & hsm, ::picolibrary::Event const & event ) noexcept -> Event_Handling_Result
        auto & example_hsm = static_cast<Example_HSM &>( hsm );

        if ( &event.category() == &Pseudo_Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Pseudo_Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Pseudo_Event::ENTRY:
                    std::cout << "s1-ENTRY;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                case Pseudo_Event::EXIT:
                    std::cout << "s1-EXIT;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                case Pseudo_Event::NESTED_INITIAL_TRANSITION:
                    std::cout << "s1-INIT;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s11, event );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        if ( &event.category() == &Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Event::A:
                    std::cout << "s1-A;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s1, event );
                case Event::B:
                    std::cout << "s1-B;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s11, event );
                case Event::C:
                    std::cout << "s1-C;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s2, event );
                case Event::D:
                    if ( not example_hsm.m_foo ) {
                        example_hsm.m_foo = true;
                        std::cout << "s1-D;";
                        return example_hsm.transition_to( s, event );
                    } // if
                case Event::F:
                    std::cout << "s1-F;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s211, event );
                case Event::I:
                    std::cout << "s1-I;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        return example_hsm.defer_event_handling_to( s, event );

    static auto s11( HSM & hsm, ::picolibrary::Event const & event ) noexcept -> Event_Handling_Result
        auto & example_hsm = static_cast<Example_HSM &>( hsm );

        if ( &event.category() == &Pseudo_Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Pseudo_Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Pseudo_Event::ENTRY:
                    std::cout << "s11-ENTRY;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                case Pseudo_Event::EXIT:
                    std::cout << "s11-EXIT;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        if ( &event.category() == &Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Event::D:
                    if ( example_hsm.m_foo ) {
                        example_hsm.m_foo = false;
                        std::cout << "s11-D;";
                        return example_hsm.transition_to( s1, event );
                    } // if
                case Event::G:
                    std::cout << "s11-G;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s211, event );
                case Event::H:
                    std::cout << "s11-H;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s, event );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        return example_hsm.defer_event_handling_to( s1, event );

    static auto s2( HSM & hsm, ::picolibrary::Event const & event ) noexcept -> Event_Handling_Result
        auto & example_hsm = static_cast<Example_HSM &>( hsm );

        if ( &event.category() == &Pseudo_Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Pseudo_Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Pseudo_Event::ENTRY:
                    std::cout << "s2-ENTRY;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                case Pseudo_Event::EXIT:
                    std::cout << "s2-EXIT;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                case Pseudo_Event::NESTED_INITIAL_TRANSITION:
                    std::cout << "s2-INIT;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s211, event );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        if ( &event.category() == &Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Event::C:
                    std::cout << "s2-C;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s1, event );
                case Event::F:
                    std::cout << "s2-F;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s11, event );
                case Event::I:
                    if ( not example_hsm.m_foo ) {
                        example_hsm.m_foo = true;
                        std::cout << "s2-I;";
                        return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                    } // if
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        return example_hsm.defer_event_handling_to( s, event );

    static auto s21( HSM & hsm, ::picolibrary::Event const & event ) noexcept -> Event_Handling_Result
        auto & example_hsm = static_cast<Example_HSM &>( hsm );

        if ( &event.category() == &Pseudo_Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Pseudo_Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Pseudo_Event::ENTRY:
                    std::cout << "s21-ENTRY;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                case Pseudo_Event::EXIT:
                    std::cout << "s21-EXIT;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                case Pseudo_Event::NESTED_INITIAL_TRANSITION:
                    std::cout << "s21-INIT;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s211, event );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        if ( &event.category() == &Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Event::A:
                    std::cout << "s21-A;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s21, event );
                case Event::B:
                    std::cout << "s21-B;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s211, event );
                case Event::G:
                    std::cout << "s21-G;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s11, event );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        return example_hsm.defer_event_handling_to( s2, event );

    static auto s211( HSM & hsm, ::picolibrary::Event const & event ) noexcept -> Event_Handling_Result
        auto & example_hsm = static_cast<Example_HSM &>( hsm );

        if ( &event.category() == &Pseudo_Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Pseudo_Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Pseudo_Event::ENTRY:
                    std::cout << "s211-ENTRY;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                case Pseudo_Event::EXIT:
                    std::cout << "s211-EXIT;";
                    return example_hsm.event_handled( event );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        if ( &event.category() == &Event_Category::instance() ) {
            switch ( static_cast<Event>( event.id() ) ) {
                case Event::D:
                    std::cout << "s211-D;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s21, event );
                case Event::H:
                    std::cout << "s211-H;";
                    return example_hsm.transition_to( s, event );
                default: break;
            } // switch
        }     // if

        return example_hsm.defer_event_handling_to( s21, event );

Example_HSM::Event_Category const Example_HSM::Event_Category::INSTANCE{};

::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_HSM::TOPMOST_INITIAL_TRANSITION_TRIGGER{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::TOPMOST_INITIAL_TRANSITION_TRIGGER ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_HSM::A{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::A ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_HSM::B{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::B ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_HSM::C{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::C ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_HSM::D{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::D ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_HSM::E{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::E ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_HSM::F{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::F ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_HSM::G{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::G ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_HSM::H{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::H ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_HSM::I{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::I ) };
::picolibrary::Simple_Event const Example_HSM::TERMINATE{ Event_Category::instance(), ::picolibrary::to_underlying( Event::TERMINATE ) };

} // namespace

int main()
    auto example_hsm = ::Example_HSM{};

    std::cout << '\n';

    ::picolibrary::Simple_Event const event_sequence[]{

    for ( auto const & event : event_sequence ) {
        example_hsm.dispatch( event );
        std::cout << '\n';
    } // for